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- Department of Education, Science, Innovation and Multiculturalis
- Dipartimento di Educazione, Scienze, Innovazione e Multicultura
- Oddelek za izobraževanje, znanost, inovacije in večkulturnost
- primary and secondary education project
- school textbooks project
- bilingualism project
- innovation hub
- development funds
- Department of Foreign affairs
- Dipartimento degli Affari Esteri
- Oddelek za zunanje zadeve
- foreign affairs
- decolonization project
- relationship with international organizations
- UN Minority Issues Forum
- UN Business & Human Right
- UN development goals
- Department of Home Office
- Dipartimento degli Interni
- Oddelek za notranje
- immigration
- citizen services, generalities card, licenses, sanity, etc.
- land and maritime border police corps
- customs
- registry review
- Department of Industry Crafts Trade Agriculture Tourism and Fishing
- Dipartimento dell’Industria Artigianato Commercio Agricoltura Turismo e Pesca
- Oddelek za industrijo, trgovino in obrt Kmetijstvo, Turizem in Ribištvo
- local crafts project
- digital development media and comunication services
- review of domestic trade
- integrated FTT tourism project
- local fishing regulation
- Department of Transportation and Maritime Traffic
- Dipartimento dei Trasporti e del Traffico Marittimo
- Oddelek za Promet in Pomorski Promet
- airports
- local road system
- foreign connections, sea routes
- Department of Health and Sports
- Dipartimento della Salute e dello Sport
- Oddelek za zdravje in šport
- health authority project
- FTT sports federation project
- Department of Justice
- Dipartimento di Giustizia
- Oddelek za pravosodje
- legislative review
- international humanitarian law study
- Department of Economy and Finance and the Treasury
- Dipartimento dell’Economia e delle Finanze e del Tesoro
- Oddelek za Gospodarstvo in Finance
- economic review
- valuation of state property
- local currency
- financial projection
- Department of Infrastructure
- Dipartimento delle Infrastructure
- Oddelek za infrastruktur
- review of school sports and wellness facilities
- state property review project
- telecommunications digital infrastructures and posta affairs
- connections and roads in the FTT
- Department of Labor and Social Affairs
- Dipartimento del Lavoro e degli Affari Sociali
- Oddelek za delo in socialne zadeve
- FTT welfare project
- economic support for citizens
- Department of Environment Climateand Energy
- Dipartimento dell’Ambiente del Clima e dell’Energia
- Oddelek za okolje, podnebje in energijo
- environmental study
- climate change sustainability project
- energy project
- Department of Free Port of Trieste
- Dipartimento del Porto Franco Libero di Trieste
- Oddelek svobodnega pristanišča Trst
- port asset assessments
- concessions review
- economic review
- transition project